Saturday, June 21, 2008

Website Flipping

We referenced some interesting CPA offer marketing ideas which were also referenced by an Affiliate Marketing blog.

The original post, about using Youtube for CPA offers was from the post on the Improve Your Internet Marketing blog. This blog has been writing about innovative and creative ways to market online for quite some time.

Their most recent post, entitled "Secrets to Website Flipping" talks about flipping websites for profit. While this can be a very lucrative endeavor, they point out that it is different than 'buying and selling businesses'. Specifically, priorities may be a little different when you are building a website to sell than building one to keep.

The post is part 1 of a series. We'll continue to follow the series. After all, web site flipping can be extremely profitable!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Free, Quality Traffic, Guaranteed...?

Traffic is the lifeblood of Internet Marketing. Of course conversions are the goal, but without traffic, there isn't anything to convert!

There isn't anything magical about getting traffic. The familiar, "tried & true" techniques work. The problem most marketers face isn't that they don't have the "right" or "best" method to generate traffic, but rather they don't implement a step-by-step plan of action.

PPC (Pay Per Click) is wonderful, but it isn't free.

Here is an excellent step-by-step plan. Follow this precisely, and you will in fact generate quality traffic - free:

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

5 Ways To Make $1000 In 30 Days

One of the questions I see a lot on forums is “How can I make $xxx”. Invariably, many of the responses are along the lines of “Just pick something, take action, and stick to it”. I also see a lot of “Look, it takes a lot of blood, sweat, and tears; don’t just come here […]

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Want to Have a PR-3 Pagerank Tomorrow? Easy!

PageRank, Google’s algorithm for a web page’s “Popularity” isn’t as significant as it one was. However, when it comes to showing some authority, and perhaps more importantly “flipping” your site, PageRank - or ‘PR’ - still has a lot of value. Unfortunately, it can take a lot of time and effort building PR the “traditional” SEO way, but you no longer have to do that. Want to have a PR-3 website tomorrow? Easy! [Read more →]

Monday, June 9, 2008

How To Identify Profitable Niche Markets

Did you know that one of the largest keys to success in Internet Marketing is finding the proper niche to market. There are several crucial reasons why picking a market determines whether or not the campaign will be successful. We will discuss a couple of the main ones. ...[read more]

Friday, June 6, 2008

Using Youtube for CPA Offers

We all know Youtube can generate huge traffic numbers, but how many of us are using it for direct marketing?
As an example, I created a short video to promote an interesting CPA offer that allows someone to make a $3 donation to charity in return for filling out a brief survey. [Read more →]

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Write an Ebook Over the Phone

One of the best ways to profit in Internet Marketing is to have your own product - we’ve all heard this before. But how exactly do you go about creating your own info-product? There are many ways, from buying & editing PLR material, to hiring a copywriter on Elance.
Here’s a new, interesting, and (potentially) free method: dictate it over the phone! [Read more →]

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

AdWords Success Secrets

Unless you have been living under a rock for the lsat few years you will have no doubt heard of Google ADwords. Google AdWords is for driving loads of targeted traffic to your products and affiliate offerings. Or at least it should be! Unfortunately for many people they simply don't experience the success that they would like to see with their AdWords efforts. However, the good news is that this can be overcome by applying a few solid techniques to any AdWords campaign and letting the improvements multiply over time.[ ... read more...]