A similarity Internet Marketing shares with any business, is that it is easier to lose than to succeed.
One of the most common mistakes is lack of focus and the tendency to doing things that are non-productive. For example: There is an epidemic among Affiliate Marketers' who make the mistake of bouncing around from program to program.
Jumping from one thing to the next is a sure path to failure. Doing this will get you nowhere! It is best to make a commitment to anything you take under your wing, and give it time to grow into something.
Another big no-no that Internet Marketers' make is not organizing their day. To be successful in anything that you do, you need to set a schedule and stick to it.
Yet another common mistake Internet Marketers' make is spending too much time on things that aren't going to help them build their business.
A day of an Internet Marketer should be spent doing things that are productive, moving you forward, and building your business.
In Part II, we'll dig into the specifics and the activities and tactics that look good but really aren't.
The 5 Hindrances To Spiritual Growth
11 months ago