There's a terrific post on Improve Your Internet Marketing that talks about boosting your returns on article marketing. Specifically, leveraging the effort you've already made creating and submitting articles to Ezinearticles.
I've posted part of the article here; check out the rest of the post, as well as all the other excellent tips for maximizing your Internet marketing efforts:
This is a very simple trick I have seen many articles authors using but I have never read about it here or in any ebooks. already have a high PR and if you manage to get more links pointing to your particular articles, they will have more chances of showing up high in the rankings. You know the SEO part right?
Here’s how you do it:
Go to your expert author page where you see all your articles listed. The url is something like this:
Right next to the header mentioning your name and your author status, you will find an “RSS icon”. Simply copy the url the icon points to.
Now, use this RSS url and submit it to the large number of free RSS directories available of the web and you have 100’s of links pointing to your articles in no time.
Here’s a list of RSS directories to start with:
55 Active RSS Directories to Help Promote Your Feeds!
(not my site - got it from Google search)
I hope my above trick helps you in your Article Marketing efforts.
If you follow the above ‘formulas’, you will begin to generate traffic, it will build steadily, and your SERPs ranking will improve steadily.
Thanks to Zuber ( for this great tip!