If you're interested in making money with blogs, then this article was written for you. Specifically in this article I'll give you a brief overview of what it takes to have a successful blog, and some strategies you need to incorporate for your blog in order to get maximum profit from it. After reading this article, you should have several ideas you can use to start earning money from your blog immediately.
The main reason blogs aren't profitable is because they are neglected. The first rule of creating a profitable blog is to make a schedule for updating it regularly. A blog is nothing more than a fancy name for a website. And all websites need to be updated in order to keep visitors coming back to them. Set a schedule to post something of value to your blog once every few days. If you don't do this, the none of the other strategies work.
In addition to updating your blog, the single most important thing you can do to get people coming back to it is to capture their e-mail address so you can tell them when you update your blog. The way you do this is to sign up for our and not a responder service, which will generate the code for you to put on your blog to get people to sign up. They can either sign up for a newsletter where you send them information on a regular basis, or simply sign up to be notified when you post something new on your blog or when you want to tell them something.
By having their e-mail address, you can promote products to them were you get a commission if those products sell. Or you can put Google adsense on your site, and by getting people to continually come back to your blog and telling others about it, you'll earn money because a certain amount of people will click on your adsense ads.
Finally, in order to really get people to come back to your blog, it must be interesting and innovating. It can't be the same old thing as all the other blogs out there. Look at your blog compared to other blogs that revolve around the topic you're writing about. Now ask yourself what you can do to add more value to your visitors than what everybody else is doing. You will be surprised at the good answers you come up with.
In conclusion, turn your blog into something that generates profit is easy. First, updated regularly. Second, give people a way to constantly remember to check your blog often. And third, be unique so you can catch people's attention and keep it. Do these three things and you should start earning some money in your bank account from your blog.
Michael Ullman is President of (http://AnalogyMarketing.com)Analogy Marketing, a leading NY-based Internet Marketing company. Analogy Marketing focuses on Affiliate Marketing, and markets the tools they use in-house to other Internet Marketers.
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