Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Test Your Niche Marketing Ideas FIRST!

Here’s a really simple, quick, and easy way to test your niche marketing ideas: run a brief Adwords campaign.

Many Internet Marketers put the “cart before the horse”, jumping into a niche, even creating a product before they know whether people will buy.

You’re not trying to sell yet, and in fact anything past the click doesn’t matter - yet. You just want to see if there is QUALIFIED interest. If you display a price and people click, you know there is qualified interest.

Create just a single ad targeted to the niche you’re considering, mention a product, and INCLUDE A PRICE. If you get clicks on the ad, you’ve got a winner. No clicks? You just saved yourself a whole lot of time, money, and frustration.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Tip For Successful Outsourcing

When it comes to outsourcing, the most important factor that will determine if the job get done exactly how you want it to is communication. In order for a contractor to do a good job and complete a task according to your standard, you need to be able to communicate in detail exactly what they are supposed to do. Sometimes internet marketers have difficulty doing this because the person they are outsourcing a task to live halfway around the world and English isn’t their first language.

An easy solution to this problem is using screen capture software to visually show the person what they need them to do. This is a far more effective way of communicating what needs to be done, and it works better than giving instructions by email or over the phone.

By creating screen capture videos and giving them to whoever you’re contracting the work to, it’s like they get to stand over your shoulder and look and your computer screen and you show them what to do – even if they’re on the other side of the world. If you’re looking to outsource any part of your business, screen capture software is a must.